Supported solely by generous gifts from individuals, groups, and businesses, the Foundation annually funds and awards grants that show promise of enriching the educational opportunities throughout the Monona Grove School District. Teachers and support staff within the Monona Grove School District are eligible for all current grants listed below.

Interested in applying, or have questions? Review the MGEF Grants Policy. Have additional questions? Please email us.

Learn about Grants and Apply



The Monona Grove Education Foundation (MGEF) believes that for students to achieve to the best of their ability, removing barriers to food security, personal health and hygiene, and an environment free of outside distractions is necessary. PIF grants provide opportunities to generate positive outcomes for long-term student success. By partnering with the teachers and staff, we can best serve our students in need.

There are four categories within the PIF program:

●     Grab and Go - The High School and MG21 are currently the only schools with this implemented. These schools need certain items readily available to hand out to students. An example would be personal hygiene items, granola bars, and socks. An assigned staff member at each school monitors the supply and contacts PIF by email or phone for refills. No forms to fill out. PIF will purchase and deliver the items to the school.

●     Winter Wear - Each school receives an allowance from PIF to purchase what is needed for winter wear. If the amount is less than $500, use your school’s or district's credit card to purchase, and the amount will be deducted from the school’s PIF Winter Wear fund. If the amount is over

$500, district approval will be needed before the purchase.

●      Mini-Grants - This is for grants less than $50. The teacher or staff member only fills out the form's first half and emails it directly to PIF. Email a receipt photo to PIF, and a check will be made out and sent to the purchaser.

●      PIF Grant - This is for grants larger than $50.The teacher or staff member fills out the entire form and emails it to Christa Foster for approval. Christa then forwards the request to us for consideration. Email a receipt or photo to PIF, and a check will be made out and sent to the purchaser.