Ways to Donate

Create a New Fund

If you are interested in creating a new fund (ex. scholarship, grant, etc.) in support of the Monona Grove School District, please contact us so we can guide you through the process.

Donate To a Specific Fund

  • Greatest Need: MGEF’s Annual Fund (or area of greatest need) is the discretionary fund which provides the foundation flexible resources to add funds to teacher grants, student scholarships, or create a new initiative in which other designated funds do not all for.

  • Named Fund: MGEF has a number of named funds which are designated to a specific purpose. While the fund may have been initiated by a specific donor, these funds accept additional support from anyone.

    • MGEF Grants Fund: Provides resources to teachers and staff throughout the district for new and innovative experiences to students. Each year more than $10,000 is awarded through the MGEF Grant program.

    • MG Weekend Snack Pack Program: Provides food for Monona Grove District school age children on the weekends to help relieve hunger when the family is not able to have enough food when the children are not in school. MGEF is working in partnership with the Optimist Club of Cottage Grove to provide food for both Monona and Cottage Grove families.

    • James F. Green Memorial Fund: Supports the development of programs and projects which have the potential to enhance the education of Elementary School-Level Monona Grove students.

    • Glenn & Lucille Onsager Family Scholarship: Allows teachers or support services staff to attend a workshop/conference/seminar that is related to the staff member’s teaching assignment.

    • Ed Young Special Projects Grant: Supports the development or enhancement of innovative programs/projects which have the potential to enhance the education of Monona Grove School District students at the secondary level.

    • Orchestra Seat: “Purchase” an auditorium seat with an engraved nameplate to support the fine arts and auditorium maintenance at the high school.

Create A Legacy

The process of creating a new named fund is easy. You will work with a board member to go through the process of selecting a name, purpose and type of fund (spendable or endowed). Once established, gifts are able to be accepted from you or other donors who wish to support that fund’s purpose. 

Spendable Funds: Gifts to these funds are accepted and typically distributed in the same year. Funds could be utilized over a number of years as well. No amount of these funds will be invested.

Endowment Funds: These funds are based on an initial gift of $10,000 or more that in turn provides annual income earning generated by investment of the principal. Annual amounts are distributed to the program you have designated, while the fund principal remains to provide support in perpetuity. 

While all gifts and awards to and from these funds are conducted through MGEF, the foundation works with the Madison Community Foundation and Monona Investment Services to invest and manage endowment funds. 

If you are interested in establishing a named fund, please contact us.